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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
10/7/2016 4:00:34 AM

[i]The soft tapping of sneakers on stone came closer and closer as a woman approached the druggie, a curious look on her face. Said woman was.. interesting, to say the least. To start off, her skin was a light blue and she stood at precisely seven feet tall - though she wasn't slender or slim.. in fact, she was rather.. meaty, I guess you could call her; not fat or even chubby, but not skinny either. Her eyes were a vibrant orange, shimmering and glimmering with a mix of amusement and interest, black sclera surrounding the irises. Her face was pretty, with its lengthy and shallow cheekbones, soft, feminine jawline, small and perky nose, and finally her slightly puffy, midnight sky blue lips. Her pure white hair reached to her lower back, the bangs draping over her shoulders. She was wearing simple clothes: just a loose, mother milk white T-shirt, and a light pink skirt below it. The skirt reached to Leif's knees, and had a very frilly rim. [/i] "Hello there," [i]She called out with a voice as clear as crystal, and as soft and gentle as a small mountain river.[/i]

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  • "Oh... Hi! Hello! You look... Weird to me. Probably the acid talking... Yeah, I need something to balance that... Oh! I'm Frisky! Who exactly are you? I haven't even seen you around." [b]Her voice was quite a contrast. Loud, clumsy, and very clearly high off her own face. She saw her as a bright purple, and her shirt was yellow to her. She kinda reminded her of that elf she met in a crack den once... Nah. Probably not.[/b]

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    [i]Leif looked at the drugged out girl with curiousity, a soft giggle leaving her. She smiled brightly, and drew closer, each step sounding soft on the stone pavement the two were on. She stopped after two steps, leaving her three feet away. The smurf (she's not really a smurf) then squatted down before Frisky.[/i] "Acid? Are you on drugs, Frisky? Oh well; everyone has something weird that tickles their pickle.. Not in that way, mind you." [i]She giggles softly, her hands moving to rest on her knees before she spoke again, her tone remaining cheerful and friendly, [/i] "My name is Leif. It's a pleasure to meet you, Frisky!"

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  • "Pleasure to meet you too, Leif! And yes, I am on acid! And around twenty other things! I am preposterously high right now! I don't even know what preposterously means! I just heard it one day..." [b]She tries to get up, but just falls on her face, giggling like a mad man.[/b]

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    [i]The smurf giggled as well, both of her hands gently grabbing on to Frisky's shoulders, pulling her up halfway with a surprisingly amount of strength. The crazy Yandere psycho person smiled at Frisky, showing a set of brilliantly white teeth. [/i] "That's a lot of drugs, isn't it, Frisk? And.. isn't 'frisky' another word of, y'know.. 'horny'?" [i]The lass awkwardly snickered, her face getting a slight red hue to it out of embarrassment for her own words. [/i]

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  • "Oh, yeah it totally is! That is an answer to both your questions! I don't remember why I call myself that, though. I dunno. Gonna have to figure that one out one day! Maybe when I'm not on drugs." [b]Frisky thought it was a little weird that Leif was holding her up like that, but didn't really care. She smiled, happy to at least not be yelled at about her excessive drug use.[/b] "That'll never happen though! I need those to forget... Well, something. I don't remember what."

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    [i]Leif slowly got to her feet, pulling Frisky up with her, and gently setting the druggie down on her feet with a grin. Leif's hands then slipped off Frisky's shoulders, and went back to hanging limply at her side. [/i] "You don't seem very.. horny to me.." [i]She softly said, her face only getting redder, before she averted her eyes, looking at their surroundings as she went silent. She let the silence last for a few moments before speaking again, [/i] "Maybe if you were to sober up, you could remember and seek help for it?"

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  • "Ehhhh maybe. Probably. Well, most definitely. But I more than likely can't sober up! I'm on sooooo much stuff, like I doubt you could even believe the list I'm addicted to. If you can find someone that can purge it from my system, let me know, okay?" [b]Frisky was still smiling, despite the heavy topic she was talking about. In fact, it didn't seem to phase her at all. It was as if she'd talked about it before. Still, there was a very slight tinge of sadness in her voice, like talking about it bothered her.[/b]

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  • Edited by Nox: 10/7/2016 12:22:53 PM
    "Actually, young Miss, you don't need something to purge it from your system.. The effect the narcotics cause should end by itself eventually. Though, that might take a while; depends on the amount you're on, really.. Say, what even is the list? I might believe it; you never know." [i]The halfbreed said, still smiling widely and very much happily. She, too, seemed cheerful even though the two were talking about some truly depressing stuff. Her right, slender hand reached up to the black shawl around her neck, shifting it about a little before she was satisfied, the hand dropping back down.[/i]

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  • [b]Frisky proceeds to name every drug in existence, but I am too lazy to copy/paste the Wikipedia page.[/b]

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    [i]Leif's mouth was left agape in amazement at the end of it, a wordless "wow" coming from the very surprised woman. [/i] "I'm surprised you don't have super powers yet.."

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  • "I'm surprised I haven't gone insane and killed anyone yet! Happened to this one guy I know, his name was... Andrew, I think. He was a nice guy, but he tried to murder me..." [b]Frisky frowns.[/b] "I had to nail him to a table..."

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    "Oh," [i]Was the only thing the smurf said at first as she pursed her lips, a soft "hmm" coming from her. She then shrugged, just accepting the fact that Frisk had murdered, or at least harmed someone - not like Leif hadn't done the same.. [/i] "I killed the guy who flirted with my crush once! He was an asshole.. Tried to steal her away from me.. But I wouldn't let him."

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  • "Really? Who would that crush be?" [b]Frisky seemed to have literally no qualms with murder. She was probably too high to notice. That, or she really didn't care. Probably a little bit of both. Frisky did regain her beaming smile, however.[/b]

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    "I.. forgot.." [i]Leif replied with a soft voice, her eyes staring down at her sneakers as she went silent, her blush having faded long before. She then shrugged again, looking back up at Frisky with a wide smile. [/i] "That doesn't matter now, does it?"

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  • "Guess not! Hey, we've both forgotten things, right? How about we take some drugs and look at the sky! That's always fun!"

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    "Shouldn't you sober up? I get that addiction is hard - trust me, I know what it's like.. But, if you were to sober up, you would remember the things you're trying to forget, and get help for them."

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  • "Well, here's the thing, I've tried. But every time that's happened, I've gone insane and killed someone. I don't want that to happen again. Killing people is something I generally do..."

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    "Well.. I'm here! I'll keep you from killing anyone. I'm surprisingly strong, and there's more to me than meets the eye.." [i]Leif's hands moved to the sides of her head, tightly grasping it before she went and pulled her head off, a thick, black gas immediately leaking from the neck. [/i] "Like this!" [i]The disembodied head said. [/i]

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  • "Woah! That's cool! And... I dunno. I might try. Maybe. In a little while. Going cold turkey now would kill me! And that's not very good, is it? That wouldn't be fun!"

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    "If you die.. I'll keep you company in the afterlife, if that makes you feel any better? We'll be friends forever!" [i]Leif slowly moved the head back down, reattaching it to her body with a giggle, and shifting the shawl around a little. [/i]

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  • "Okay! That's fun! But still, not gonna do it yet. Later. Gonna gradually do it! It'll work! Yeah! I'm up for this now!" [spoiler]Is what I think is happening happening.[/spoiler]

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    [spoiler]Hmm? What do you think is happening? [/spoiler] "That's good," [i]Leif exclaimed with a wide and warm smile, her voice cheerful and happy. She then spread her arms for a hug, the smile turning into a grin. [/i] "Want a hug? I want a hug.. Let's hug!"

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  • [spoiler]She's a Yandere. What do you think I think is happening?[/spoiler] "Okay! Sure!" [b]Frisky goes in for the hug, squeezing tight, but not too tight.[/b] "Hugs are good!"

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    [spoiler]She has her target, yes. I feel sorry for you~ [/spoiler] [i]Leif's own arms wrapped around Frisky, holding the lass tightly but with gentleness and care, making sure that she wasn't being squeezed uncomfortably tight. [/i] "Mhm! Hugs are very good."

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  • "Yep! It's been good to meet you! You're pretty cool!" [b]Frisky's smile grows a little wider as she hugs her back.[/b]

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