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originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
originally posted in: [DIGITAL_DOJO]
5/5/2016 12:13:52 AM
I summon a shield, deflecting your gust of wind I shoot a bolt of lighting at you

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  • Edited by Skatch142: 5/5/2016 1:09:32 AM
    *He gets shocked by it. He smokes a little.* "That's not the first time I've been shocked..." *He swings his sword to the left and a gust of wind sends you flying into a tree.*

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  • While mid air I summon holographic wings that allow me to float to the ground I cast a detainment spell, freezing you

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  • Edited by Skatch142: 5/5/2016 1:16:02 AM
    (You're freezing him? That seems a little unfair.) *He freezes in place. You blink and you suddenly notice a smoke grenade his hanging off his finger by the pin. It slips off the pin and starts releasing a cloud of smoke around him. His silhouette seems to disappear as soon as the smoke covers him completely.*

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  • Well played my friend I cast my spell of light getting rid of the smoke I then shoot a fireball at you

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  • *When the smoke clears he is gone. You hear him speak but you don't know quite where it's coming from.* "Well played? I legitimately don't know how I got that. I just randomly have stuff sometimes but it's rare when it's actually useful..." *The leaves on a couple of trees that are behind you rustle.*

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  • Edited by Gigafont: 5/5/2016 1:23:57 AM
    I create a Ward of Dawn What ever that is IT CANT MOVE ME

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  • (How many powers does he have? At first I fought he was some sort of wizard but he just used ward of dawn...) *The leaves of a couple other trees rustle and you think you see something jump from one tree to the other.*

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  • I stay in my ward (What he doesn't realize is I'm a Chaos Mage, I have many abilities)

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  • (Many abilities... Hmmm...) *The leaves on the tree seem to stop rustling.* (But ward of dawn isn't magic... It's some sort of technology...)

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  • My ward runs out I cast a seeker fireball It is following you (Hey I can ALSO use technology)

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  • (Got a ghost?) *The fireball doesn't go far before it is snuffed out midair. More trees rustle. It seems to be getting a little dark.*

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  • (Nope) I can't see any shape in the forest it is getting a little TOO dark for my taste

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  • *You hear something drop to the ground to your right. You think you see a pair of blank white eyes but they dissapear almost immediately.*

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  • Woah! What was that I try to cast my spell of light but something is suppressing it....

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  • (Sketch isn't doing it... It's just dark out...) *Suddenly he appears from the shadows. His eyes are blank white as he flies through the air straight towards you.*

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  • "Great" Nope my light spells don't work as well in the dark (Slaps self in face) I Summon a fire whip and hit you with it

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  • *He stops in midair giving you enough time to hit him with the fire whip. He falls to the ground and disappears again.* (Technically you shouldn't have had enough time to summon the whip and swing it... But I like making my fights seem somewhat cartoony.)

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  • Edited by Gigafont: 5/5/2016 1:48:48 AM
    (I summon stuff fast Ok good) I then set up another bubble shield

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  • *He appears next to you and elbows you in the side of the head. He then disappears.*

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  • Ow! I summon more fireballs

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  • Edited by Skatch142: 5/5/2016 2:10:12 AM
    *You see him in the light of the fireballs but he jumps into the bushes.* (Sketch only has one actual power but it makes him very hard to fight once it gets dark.)

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  • I light the bushes on fire

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  • *You can see him farther away again but he climbs up a tree. You hear the rustling of leaves again.*

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  • I shoot a stealthy beam of fire I.E it's silent It creeps up Upon you and I burn your left leg

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  • *His left leg catches on fire and he immediately becomes visible in one of the trees. He falls out of the tree and manages to put out the fire. He disappears before you can do anything else.* (I'm not sure if you already know this but Sketch is a hybrid of a cat and a wolf. So his fur is highly susceptible to catching on fire. He does wear a fire-proof duster though.)

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