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originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
originally posted in: [DIGITAL_DOJO]
5/4/2016 7:25:03 PM
*He slashes to the left with his sword blasting you with a gust of wind that sends you flying to the left. He summons his other sword again and throws it hilt first. This time it seems to accelerate as it flies through the air.*

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  • [b]A shield forms around me and the sword bounces off harmlessly.[/b] I'm tired of this [b]My sword starts burning and my body catches fire as well.[/b] [b]I slash at you and a wave of heat shoots towards you.[/b]

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  • *He summons his other sword again and slashes in opposite directions. The flames go out. He then holds both his swords next to each other as if they are a baseball bat.* "I dare ya to start running towards me..."

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  • [b]I pick up the sword you threw at me and ready them[/b] Don't tempt me...

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  • *The sword that you picked up disappears.* "Huh... I'm not sure why that still existed... There can't be more than two at once and I'm currently holding both ready to hit a home run..."

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  • "Oh for fu-" [b]I Rush towards you.[/b]

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  • Edited by Skatch142: 5/4/2016 7:55:32 PM
    *He swings both swords at once and you go flying into a nearby tree. You see a pile of Twinkies and a large bottle of cream soda inside a hole in the tree.*

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  • [b]I crash into the tree and fall to the ground. I reach for one of the twinkies and open it. [/b] [b]As I eat the twinkie I completely heal all wounds and a newfound power overtakes me [/b] You shouldn't have done that [b] A second sword appears in my other hand and I jump Towards you and immediately start attacking at lightning speed [/b]

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  • Edited by Skatch142: 5/4/2016 8:02:25 PM
    "No... [i]You[/i] shouldn't have done that... THOSE ARE MY #%&@ING TWINKIES!!!!!!!!" *His swords disappear and he jumps into a nearby bush.*

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  • WHY ARE YOU RUNNING [b]I send a heat wave at the Bush and it catches fire, quickly turning to ash.[/b]

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  • *He's not there. A series of bushes start rustling and you think you see him start to climb a tree but he vanishes. The leaves of the tree rustle as you see him jump from one to another.*

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  • Where the hell did all these trees come from [b]I stab into the ground with both of my swords and a wave of heat shoot out in all directions.[/b] [b]All trees within a two mile radius are now ash and you fall to the ground [/b]

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  • (This is actually happening outside the Dojo since you technically aren't allowed in... You also just incinerated his tree, his stash of Twinkies, and his cream soda... He's a little grumpy now.) *He falls out of the air behind you. He silently lands upright so you don't realize he's behind you. He throws both his swords at once. You hear two sonic booms as his swords knock yours out of your hands.* "WE'RE DOING HAND-TO-HAND COMBAT NOW!!!!!"

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  • [spoiler]The twinkie tree is is standing because well twinkies[/spoiler] If you say so!! [b]I quickly turn around and headbutt you [/b]

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  • Edited by Skatch142: 5/4/2016 8:21:33 PM
    (He's farther away than that... Oh well... I'll allow that anyways.) *He stumbles back a bit. He then spits a tooth out into your eye and then kicks you in the gut.*

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  • (It's twinkies you have to allow it) [b]I double over and tackle you to the ground. I sit on your chest then start pummeling you [/b]

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  • (You forget, he is a catwolf... You just gave him an advantage. He could cut your throat if he wants to.) *He grabs your hands and digs his claws into them.*

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  • (If he [i]wanted to[/i] but it's against the rules sooooo...) [b]I get up off of your chest and knee you in the stomach twice[/b]

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  • (How does that work? You can't stand up and knee someone who is lying on the ground...) *He stands up and punches you in the face. He then scratches you in the face and kicks you again.*

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  • (Just imagine me not fully standing up kind of in a crawling position over you)

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  • (Oh, okay.) *He kicks you in the guts repeatedly. His the claws on his feet cut you.*

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  • [b]I pull your claws out of my hand and get to my feet. I repeatedly kick you before you can follow me[/b]

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  • *He kicks you in the gut, pushing you back. He stands up.* "Is that the best you got?"

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  • Not even close [b]I put brass knuckles on and raise my fists.[/b]

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  • "Oh, interesting..." *He raises his fists into a guard.*

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  • "Hey you have your claws I have my knuckles" [b]I charge at you and swing a right hook right into your jaw [/b]

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