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originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
originally posted in: [DIGITAL_DOJO]
4/4/2016 12:45:21 AM
[spoiler]wow... Wasn't sure if I'd actually be able to touch you tbh.. I kinda assumed after most of my fights that people were basically invincible if they were here long enough.[/spoiler] [spoiler]Thanks!! I like the fact you actually fight like an adult here![/spoiler] *With blood dripping from many wounds throughout her upper abdomen, Maya stumbles. Attempting to grab the shuriken out of the air. Instead she grasps at air. And feels the tiny blades pierce her eye. Gouging a deep scar starting an inch below her eye, blinding her left seeing orb, and another inch and a half above her left eye. She lets out a quick shriek at the painful realization of her mistake. But she quickly cuts it off. Knowing she'll be fine after the fight. For now? One eye will have to do.* [b]Why?! I didn't think I was able to stab you![/b] *she looks down at her blade and noticed the blood. Slight but enough to must have caused pain* [b]Oh...... Well, guess that happened.[/b] *blood dripping from many wounds, Maya feels her energy draining. But she attempts to adopt a dangerous but deadly fighting stance. Half in the shadow realm half out. A ring is circumferencing her waist. Hiding periodically random parts of her body.* [spoiler]The reason this stance is dangerous is because she's allowing her body to be existential in both dimensions. This allows for hidden blows. But as soon as her attention wavers. [i]schlip![/i] She loses body parts from the access point closing on her. [/spoiler]

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