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4/3/2016 3:49:43 AM
Sorry but both take skill in different ways... If you have the skill and agility to move close enough to someone then you're a shotgunner. Plain and simple... For sniping I guess you can hard scope it against good players they know to not run around the corner without jumping/sprinting/sliding... I'm a sniper myself. Maybe have 50 shotty kills in pvp but I have over 9k snipes with almost an 80% headshot rating.... It takes skill to run 'n gun with the sniper. I don't hard scope, I quick scope. Not just headshot quick scope but I find it easier to body shot quick then switch to primary. Not every time obviously but still, you can't say sniping doesn't take any skill because there are 2 sides to every opinion. One thing both weapons require though... Timing... That's something you learn from play styles and experience. In my personal opinion, when you release a game, you shouldn't tweek specific mechanics of the game. Updates for new content is different, but when you change speed, handling, aim assist, weapon damage, and overall accuracy then you're just conforming to what the "masses" of people prefer. People just need to suck it up and practice, no one wants to put any time into just practicing with friends. Strafing, quickscoping, jumping(which I was surprised to find how many people don't know how to -blam!-ing jump in a game, like just from platform to platform...???), basic pvp skills. In the end, both require different facets of skill. Just gotta find what works and make the best of it... And hey... If you just aren't that skilled in pvp, just accept it. I'm terrible at pve (except dps, I do massive dps) but I have over 1.6 kd on all characters in crucible. All about how you play, have fun guardians and keep on keepin on!! PS, if anyone wants to add my PSN: ItsDayYacht. And needs help doing bounties or whatever, I don't care bout flawless, I'll help ya out. Peace out

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