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Edited by supaanoob: 5/14/2015 7:35:32 PM

Alright Bungie, it's time for a change. (READ) (exotic handcannons)

I want to begin by saying this is not a rage post, I am not mad or upset. Merely just pointing out a problem in Crucible which I hope can be fixed. It is time for Bungie to change the perks on the exotic hand cannons Thorn and The Last Word. I would like to consider myself a pretty decent player in the Crucible. I usually finish top two on my team, regardless of what playlist I am in. However, I constantly find myself being out-gunned by Thorn and The Last Word users more frequently than any other guns in the game. Why? It is simple, damage over time is [u]extremely[/u] over powered and TLW has a rate of fire that makes it almost [i]impossible[/i] to beat close range. What is my concern, you may ask? Simple, both of these weapons [b]especially Thorn[/b] are far too over-powered. Many of the players at the top of the leader boards on DestinyTracker use these weapons. Why? Because they know these weapons are OP, the same way Vex used to be OP last Fall. I personally believe these weapons take away from the competitive nature of PvP, especially Thorn. A gun that will literally get the kills for you, without accurate shooting, is not a gun for a skilled player. What bothers me more is that "top players" use Thorn and like to think they are the best, when in reality they are using a weapon that literally will [b]EARN KILLS[/b] for you. On the other hand, at least the Last Word can be countered, by keeping your distance. Thorn is not so easy to counter. At least against a The Last Word user you can have game plan, but against Thorn you just have to hope that they miss you. They don't even need to land head shots to kill you. Sounds like a crutch to me. [b]My solutions:[/b] Both are pretty simple, Bungie does not have to take DoT off of Thorn, maybe make it a [i]by chance[/i] concept that it will register, let's say 2 bullets out of every mag. With TLW it can be just as simple, lower the rate of fire a bit so players can't just spam their trigger whenever they see an enemy. I am sure there are other solutions to changing these weapons, maybe you guys can come up with some. I am not asking Bungie to take away the perks that make these guns exotic, I understand they are supposed to be unique. But there is a major difference between guns being [i]unique[/i] and just completely [b]over-powered.[/b] With Trials of Osiris coming up I really hope Bungie can change these [i]gamebreaking[/i] weapons. If not, I will continue to just do me and use my weapons I like, regardless of what my enemy is using. However, if you use either of those two exotic hand cannons, I do not care what your numbers are, you aren't the best or that much better than me. You rely on weapons that are, and have been OP for the last few months. You need a crutch. If you use weapons other than those two and beat me in a one v. one I will have much more respect for you. If you use either of these guns as your main Crucible weapon, I don't think you deserve respect from anyone. This is a problem with Destiny allowing players to use whatever they want in Crucible, people will abuse the most OP guns in the game until they are changed. I remember when earning that Thorn bounty and completing it was like a trophy and the gun was not so over-powered. I used to love my Thorn, but then I noticed how much of a crutch it is and I would rather display skill than rely on DoT to earn my kills. Anyone who feels like me, comment, bump, or like. I want to know how everyone feels. And go ahead, say I am mad or butthurt over these weapons, I could give two shits. I know that I am a better player because I don't use these weapons and try to keep a level playing field for everyone. I know that someone else has to see the flaws in these weapons being so OP and it is time for us to voice our opinions. Gonna make some edits.. Edit #1: I own both Thorn and TLW so don't tell me I need to get either of them, you're missing the whole premise of what I am saying. Edit #2: I am not, I repeat [b]AM NOT[/b] asking for a complete nerf, just a change in the way the perks work. Edit #3: Don't comment on here if all you want to bring is negativity, as mentioned above [i]I could give two shits[/i]. Edit #4: Done commenting back to [i]most[/i] people on this thread. A lot of people posting are afraid of losing their crutch, which is understandable. If you have something productive/positive to say, I will probably respond. Any negative posts will be ignored though, too many freighted Thorn users, or others who think their jokes are funny.

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  • Well, given Thorn's exotic perk couldn't be more useless in PvE, it might as well do something in PvP. It does, maxed out, 432 damage against a Tier 1 enemy the same level as me (32 Acolyte on Crota). The headshot alone does 866. The Hawkmoon does more than that combined, at an average bullet damage of 1786 against Tier 1 enemies the same level as you. It's [i]underpowered[/i] in PvE, so it has to make up for it somehow.

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