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5/5/2015 2:21:58 AM

Spawning in the Crucible is apparently still -blam!-ed...

Because I just got spawn-killed 5 times in the same match. In previous matches, I've spawned 20 meters away from the guy that just killed me with Gjallahorn (he had just finished reloading, btw), I've spawned in front of a Bladedancer that just activated his super, and I've spawned in plain view of a guy that immediately killed me with a sniper rifle. I can't remember ever encountering spawning issues in an FPS to the degree that I've encountered them in Destiny. Once again I ask: did 343 siphon off all of Bungie's talent or something? Because the only other explanations I can think of are incompetence, or laziness. How about 5 seconds of invincibility after spawn to help alleviate the issue? Or maybe let us choose where we spawn?

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